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When will my order be shipped out?

Pending order verification and credit approval, orders placed with Economy or Standard shipping will ship within 1 to 3 business days and orders placed with an expedited shipping method will ship within 1 business day.

When will my order arrive?

An estimated delivery date will be provided during checkout and in your order confirmation email. Your items may arrive sooner than the estimated delivery date. Please also note that the estimated delivery date is an estimate only and is not guaranteed.

How are shipping charges calculated?

The shipping cost will be advised during the check out.

Will my parcel be charged customs & import charges?

In most cases, any customs or import duties are charged once the parcel reaches its destination country.

You may be charged for handling fees and taxes as your order passes through customs. Any charges on a parcel must be paid by the recipient.

We have no control over these charges and we are unable to determine the cost, as customs policies and import duties vary widely from country to country.

If you have any queries about current charges, we recommend contacting your local customs office before placing your order.

Please  contact us to assist with your returns within thirty (30) days of receiving your order.

The thirty (30) days Returns & Exchange Policy applies only for purchases made online.

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Validity Period

Return and exchange requests are accepted within 30 days of delivery date.

Terms of Return
  1. Eligible items for return are products which are in their unused original condition, with all tags and the security seal still attached and any special packaging and accessories included - incomplete, damaged, worn or altered items cannot be accepted. 
  2. A Product Return arising from a manufacturing defect entitles you to a full refund. The refund will be processed via the same payment method used at the Point of Sale.  
  3. The products were purchased online on shopatforest.com and not in FOREST stores
  4. My Forest Pte. Ltd. reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to determine if returned merchandise is in saleable condition.
  5. The goods will be your responsibility until they reach our warehouse. Kindly ensure they have been packed appropriately to prevent any damage in transit.
  6. In the unlikely event that an item is returned to us in an unsuitable condition or outside the 30 days return policy, we reserve the right not to refund you. If you want these returned to you, we may request that you cover the delivery cost.
  7. Special orders, personalised/monogrammed items, and items identified as "final sale" cannot be returned.
  8. When returning a gift, Forest Virtual Gift Card will be issued to the gift recipient. The card can be used for purchase only at www.shopatforest.com
  9. Depending on the options available in your country, you will be responsible for the cost of returning any items.
  10. Please kindly make sure that you use a postal service that insures you for the value of the items you are returning and obtain proof of posting.
  11. Please allow up to four (4) weeks for processing your return and credit from your financial institution.
Refund Policy

At Forest, we understand that you might have a change of mind at times. In such cases, we will process the refund by issuing a virtual Gift card with equivalent monetary value for use in Forest

Return Address

My Forest Pte Ltd
Attention to: Returns Department
Address: My Mail Box 882871, Singapore 919191

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