From practical and straightforward to elaborate and eccentric, brooches have a potential to inspire many. Brooches are among the few jewellery categories that almost don't have any size limits. The smallest pins on a lapel may be a common thing. Still, the gigantic brooches seen on the recent fashion shows is a manifestation of the unleashed designer's creativity that has no limits and can inspire even the ones who's "seen it all".

Wearing a brooch offers a sense of luxury, style and comfort. The problem is that brooches, in general, can be very easy to scratch and damage. Sure, they are an essential part of the dress code, but the fact that they are prone to damaging makes them extremely sensitive. This brings the question, how can you wear a brooch without damaging it too much? And how can you preserve it's sparkle and shine? Here are some tips to help!


Cleaning your antique brooches every few weeks is an essential step to keeping it looking beautiful. Without regular cleaning, the pieces could start to lose their sparkle and shine. And, because these pieces are vintage, you want to keep them in pristine condition so that they'll last even longer and you can pass them down in your family.

Bear in mind that not all brooches should be dealt with equally when it comes to cleaning. There are different procedures you should follow based on the metal type in your brooch and the type of stones. The chemical composition of other metals varies, so the effect of specific solutions on different metals will differ as well.

The silver-based brooch can be cleaned with a diluted baking soda solution that is applied more gently because the metal does not have the same strength as gold or platinum. 

A dish detergent can be used to clean gold and platinum brooch if there are no gemstones or anything with a setting on the piece. Every cleaning solution alternative should be carefully considered. If you have gemstones, using dish detergent can loosen the stones or water could become trapped under or around the setting. 

When it comes to gemstones, diamonds, sapphires, and rubies are the only ones that can take the heat and can be cleaned using more robust solutions like diluted ammonia. Other gemstones will vary, so its best to look up your specific stones to see which product is the best to clean them. If your brooch contains any pearls, the best cleaning solution is actually just to wear them! The natural oils from your skin will help maintain their lustre. You can also wipe the pearls with a soft cloth with drops of olive oil.


Before using any cleaning solution, make sure to dust off the piece and dust away any particles with a soft brush. It's important that you do this very gently because you don't want these tiny particles to scratch any of the surfaces of your brooch. Sometimes, the dust or debris cannot be seen by the naked eye, so it might be helpful to use a loupe or magnifying glass. If you notice anything, just clean it out with a soft brush or toothbrush. This will get the piece ready for any solution or liquid to be applied.


Once you had taken the necessary steps to clean the product and get it back to the way it was when you purchased it, you'll want to make sure it's completely dry. If any liquid is left on the piece, it could be quite damaging to the brooch. Moisture is just about the worst thing that could happen to an antique piece.

An excellent way to dry the piece after it's been washed is to flip it upside down for 15 minutes so that any leftover moisture will flow away from brooch with gravity.

Once you learn what not to wear with a brooch, things are a lot easier. When you wear a brooch, you want to look amazing, but you also want to protect your investment too. And that's why you should use these tips and tricks, as they will make the process a lot easier and more convenient. Make sure that you pick the right brooch style and stick to it. This can be well worth the effort!